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The "Sandstone" gaming mat features earth-colored tones devoid of vegetation, with high-quality graphics indicating various textures underfoot, mimicking a traditional desert landscape. But to properly explain this product, let's make a comparison: an average desert vs. our "Sandstone" gaming mat.


Average desert: hot; dry; scene of challenging situations, and; home to creative, enterprising and unique inhabitants of the animal kingdom.

"Sandstone" gaming mat: definitely hot in terms of desirability, though not in temperature; dry to the touch, though absolutely NOT "dry" as in "boring"; scene of challenging battle and adventures, and; an aid for gamers, the most creative, enterprising and unique sub-species of homo sapiens known. (Marketing rules state: a little flattery never hurts.)


-For tabletop wargames and RPGs

-Size: feet x 6 feet

-After downloading, use this digital file to order a print from the printing service of your choice.


If you're looking for a different size or theme, this gaming mat is available in twelve other sizes, and we have a number of varied themes. Also, consider complementing your new gaming mat with pieces from one of our terrain sets, like Dynamic Hills or Ghost Stones! You can get our terrain STLs, unpainted, and fully painted pieces here at



Sandstone Gaming Mat - 3x6

  • Files are for personal, non-commerical use only. Please help support a small business and fellow gamer -- do not sell or distribute files or sell prints. Please see the STL Licensing Agreement for additional information. Thank you!

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